The Teacher shown in the Picture is Mrs. Lalita Sharma a very talented Teacher of Chemistry. With more than 10 years of experience in the same. She is a Post Graduate Teacher of Chemistry in a School. But as a Hobby Mrs. Lalita Sharma teaches chemistry to poor children who can not afford Tuition/Coaching for the same on Saturday and Sunday, but due to the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic her students were unable to reach out to her in order to complete their syllabus and because of that all of those students can not take live classes at the same time due to lack of availability of Smartphones or Computers at their home Mrs. Lalita and her Students were facing time management problems.
Mrs. Lalita Sharma is cousin sister of our Managing Director Mr. Gwalesh Singh and when he told her about the our Learning Management System, Mrs. Lalita Sharma showed interest in our Learning Management System and asked us to show a demo of how we are conducting Live Classes and Organizing them into courses, and conducting online tests using that. And when we showed the demo she was quite impressed with our idea and asked us to develop one for her.
When we Developed the Learning Management System for Chemistry Collision and delivered it Mrs. Lalita Sharma knew what our Learning Management System can do but she is a Teacher in a School also, on the other hand she did not also wanted to sacrifice the Studies of those poor children. And managing the LMS was quite a new experience for her for which she had to take training from our team but due to lack of time she was unable to spend time on training, but as we know every problem has a Solution we started digging deep into the Problem and came to know that Mrs. Lalita Sharma own a YouTube channel on which she posted Videos and Solutions of Chemistry which could help us. So, we decided that Mrs. Lalita was already spending time on making YouTube videos so from now she would post Videos on Web Wolf Inc’s Vimeo Account and from there our team will make courses for their students by embedding those videos into their Courses. And will create questions for online tests based on the notes she given in the Online Course. Now, all problems were solved so far, So it was the time to introduce those students to a new way of learning.
When we introduced the Learning Management System to the Students of Chemistry Collision it was really a new experience for their Students. But it was very useful for them because as Mrs. Lalita conducted online Classes through Vimeo those online classes got saved into the Course so the students who were unable to take Online Classes can now complete their studies at any time before the Deadline. Mrs. Lalita made Online tests and students have to complete the Test within a given time which means there were no allegations such such as Live Classes are mandatory for all. As Web Wolf Inc changed the way of Teaching through Learning Management System on the other hand Chemistry Collision changed the way of Studying using a Learning Management System.